Friday, February 6, 2015

Not Too Soon To Be

Meeting incognito
photos all true, oh
stunning poet, meet
fabulous 1st greet!

meeting one, sadly
sweet, left madly
two, went so badly
finally three, rad-ly

wanting to "rock her
world". Waiting near
soul mate became
unreasoned blame

near she was insane
soul mate so inane
heals, full year plus-d,
his match also bust-d.

techo heads, so a pair
svelte white his hair
quiet email his snare
bright eyes, in stare

loving smiles, soft
caring gestures, aloft
lips touching, sears
mute amour, for years.

superficial best regards
finally, no bombards,
both receive advisors
negative mediators.

Mutual rocks, freed
from 'old news', seed
renew, improved pilot.
Life, seams new palette!

One, two, three, free
us, seems we could be.
Coupled love forever.
Advisors not so clever

Oh. Not to soon to be.  
As we are older you see.
every moment is fleeting.
day after day,


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sunning In Winter

people sunning themselves
walking on warm sand
old books off the shelves
one suns, one in shade
life of shade, life of lights
last day without our coats
taking in the all the sights
children digging moats

resting in the day; plods,
jump in waves of small
fish, dolphins hunt by pods,
carefully circling, squalls

of wind, clothes blowing
while holding flap page
swimming and towing
crab nets, shells of age.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

? Coffee, Deal Breaker?

Looks like nothing
home catching med
really, A something
no strangely, unsaid;

what are his dreams
nothing has to happen.
Quiet! Now he beams
where is his passion?

Yes, gOOd Morning!
Looking all around
Yes, Shower running!
no coffee, no sound

Next day dress!
Just stay and sleep!
Works may stress!
No coffee, no peep.

Good KIss, goOd byes.
Went home for coffee!
No coffee, my shut eyes
Will &brain? Oh, coffee!

am I the shrew, not now!
Is coffee, a deal breaker?
He's certain&easy, no chow.
What is his deal breaker?

Maybe overthought caution?

Know, you love the lotion!

Frozen 'In Zone'

a space where time is an elude
total relationship does allude
an eventual return to icicle
heart, fears to show a face
loves what time is just love
anothers' sad in memory of

scope of cowardly old ghost 
haunting this kind sweet host
too weak to clear a new leaf
maybe ghost had no disbelief
be sorry be sorry be just be
pushing hard to prevent PPD!

That is the mission this week.
heart is sunk, as I am too meek
to explain that you may have
become somewhat angry, nave
to get past the one who did choose
an reasonable end for final, solute

Shall I get dressed and /show up?
Just wane here, internet bambi, bia?

Citations: *(cowardly old ghost) & *(just be) prior references to older writes. Just follow links self explanatory.
*PPD is from Urban Dictionary The morning after a party when you feel bad about drinking so much and fear things you've said or done could have upset someone or was just plain embarrassing.... on top of being extremely hungover.
Ugh, last night's party was insane. Why do I have 10 missed calls, and wtf - all these texts. I'm going back to bed, fuck this PPD - post party depression.
*internet bambi means so dumb on internet people trolling for bambi (not to bright)
*bia   trying to be nice word for good friend but, biatch def in Urban Dictionary.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Just Conversation For Her

Picking out her seat
looking for the light
Voting, she is beat.
Glancing, what sight

rare to find it, because
dark is apparently, dark
Day has given to pause.
Suddenly heard spark

surely an extinction?
Hippie of old, vintage'd
vest, jeans, distinction
Richmond actor, aged.

Has been in refuge
quite some time as
awkward ill deluge
"This too will pass,"

oddly meeting pic-
ture taker: undertaker
dodger. Speech quick
carpetbagger slicker

than snot, apparently
he's thinking. Unaware
she's always inherently
a dual brained, heir

to a throne terminally
unseen, his cancers
returned from 2 years

waiting in perpetuity.
Gleaning in, brain right
mused by accidently
he speaks, an old light

death enduring plight.
A coma story of a pig
picking at the sight
of family home #two;

Whole family gathered
a grand welcome for him.
The grand tastes; made
from scratch, grown green

collards and buffet, in
the yard. All his cousins
round huge tables, smokin'
grills, kids playin' a dozen!

Sorry he says, regretfully
he suddenly opened eyes
a nurse, silence, purely
no time for any good-byes.

unspoken this occurrence;
he looks forward, to a party
just waiting for him. Hence,
fears death gone. Ate hearty.

Great life ahead, no longer
living on Imodium. Elated
on a stool glad to be freer.
Knows later 'His Will' fated.

In retrospect a great fairy
tail I suppose, in repose.
Now reality guess scary.
It is what it is, suppose?

Pleasure talking, thanks
for the conversation. Ending
cashes herself out. Tacos
and her drink. Requesting

future meet, I am in the book.
he did say with a wink. Gone
she watched, a little she shook.
What kind of odds, he shone,

a light in front of her, retired
professional, meets survivor
wire. Maybe it was contrived.
Glad, she was much kinder.

Finally meets a living patient.
Work years, a life sufficient. 


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thready Days, What 'Sup?

price to be paid
nothing unsaid
ideas we  share
definitely care

do not be scared
joy being pared
oh, lots of bliss,
no it is not amiss

bliss, just is for now
fondue, mmm, chow
she's under his skin
his patience is thin

today both, thready,
knees not, steady
Sundays! too fun
on Saturdays, Pun.

sad Sunday, no sun
did not need, a shun
have slept, this day
holding, state of stay.

nothing wrong,  a love
humanities': only dove
stop reading in more
essences are in store

you can love many
save one, be canny
she's got no threads
not lots of other beds.

we are in monogamy
caress skin, no jamy
do not make us seedy
the us is long history

Just leave us a mystery
Just cause us no misery
"us" is just us, pleasure
 so much bliss, demure

nothing ulterior, is there
enjoy life, we are square
Two places are fine, Just
know, my place a must.

Pay money for these stays.
and prefer it in these days.
find a way to lighten up
thready days, what sup?